This implementation is pretty much straight out of the book and we’re required to use the Copy trait as a result, limiting T a great deal.

fn insertion_sort_with_copy<T: PartialOrd + Copy>(a: &mut [T]) {
    for j in 1..a.len() {
        let key = a[j];
        let mut i = j;
        while i > 0 && a[i - 1] > key {
            a[i] = a[i - 1];
            i -= 1;
        a[i] = key;

By changing things around a little and using swap, we can remove the need for the Copy trait.

fn insertion_sort<T: PartialOrd>(a: &mut [T]) {
    for j in 1..a.len() {
        let mut i = j;
        while i > 0 && a[i - 1] > a[i] {
            a.swap(i - 1, i);
            i -= 1;

The end!

Thanks for reading! Please feel free to send me an email to talk more about this (or anything else for that matter).